VTU 4th sem MP Lab programs with explanation

vtu 4th sem mp

Hey buddies,
This is a new section in the blog dedicated exclusively for the VTU board engineering students studying in the fourth semester Computer science engineering. Microprocessor laboratory has the craziest programs in the syllabus. (crazy because its an assembly level approach and isn't a high level programming language). Intersection of this language and C programming will probably give you a null set :P.
Anyways, Let me introduce you to this section.

Microprocessor programming:
We, the VTU students have 24 Microprocessor programs in total in our fourth semester syllabus out of which 12 are software and 12 others are hardware coding. I have tried my level best to convey what i have understood out of these codes. Of course with the help of my friends and teachers. Here are the list of programs. Click on them to open them in a new window.

Microprocessor programming Basics

Software programs:
1 A) Binary search
2 A) Reading a string and displaying on screen
3 A) Bubble sort
4 A) Displaying ASCII value of an alphanumeric character
5 A) Read and reverse a string and check for palindrome
6 A) Read and display two strings along with their length, and compare both for equality
7 A) What is your name?
8 A) nCr using Recursive Procedure
9 A) To read and display the current time from the system
10 A) Decimal Up-counter to display 00-99   
11 A) To move the cursor to the specified location on the screen
12 A) To create a file and to delete an existing file.

Hardware programs:

0 B) Microprocessor Hardware programming Basics.
1 B) Logic Controller Interface – To display FF/00  
2 B) Logic Controller Interface – BCD Up-Down Counter 
3 B) Logic Controller Interface – Read two 8-bit inputs (X & Y) and display X*Y
4 B) 7-Segment Display Interface – Display messages FIRE and HELP 

5 B) Display a text on a 7 segment interface in a rolling fashion
6 B) 7-Segment Display Interface – 16-bit Binary to BCD
7 B) 8 x 3 Keypad Interface
8 B) Stepper Motor Interface – Clockwise or Counter-clockwise
9 B) DAC Interface – Sine Wave
10 B) DAC Interface – Half Rectified Sine Wave
11 B) DAC Interface – Fully Rectified Sine Wave

12 B) Elevator Interface

Why wait? Brush up your brain with some assembly language codes. Shuffle them in the brain and make a CodeShuffle (LULZ ;_;)

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